Understanding Custody and Visitation Rights

Custody arrangements can be one of the most complex and emotionally charged aspects of a divorce. It’s important to understand what different custody terms mean and how they can affect you and your children. At Reno R. Renzetti/Nordini and Thompson, we aim to clarify these concepts to help you navigate custody options in Illinois and other custody matters with confidence.

A person holding a gavel in their hand.
A person writing on paper with a pen.

Joint Custody

A common misconception about joint custody is that it means an equal 50/50 split of time with the children. In reality, joint custody refers to shared decision-making between parents on key issues such as schooling, religious upbringing, medical treatment, and extracurricular activities. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean an equal share of time. Often, one parent will be the residential parent, with the other parent having liberal visitation rights. The term “joint custody” is used to indicate that both parents are involved in major decisions regarding their children, but it doesn’t guarantee equal time with them.

A gold and white icon of a scale

Sole Custody

Sole custody grants one parent full authority over decisions related to education, religion, and medical care. Despite this, the noncustodial parent typically still has extensive visitation rights, similar to those in a joint custody arrangement. Sole custody is often granted when one parent is deemed dangerous, but otherwise, the visitation rights remain generous to support the child’s relationship with both parents.

A brown gavel sitting on top of a white table.

Future Changes in Terminology

Illinois has already replaced terms like “joint custody” and “sole custody” with “parenting time. This change aims to eliminate misunderstandings about custody arrangements and focus more on the practical aspects of parenting time. The primary goal of the court is always the best interests of the children, rather than declaring a “winner” or “loser” in custody disputes.

Ask Us How We Can Help You

If you’re facing custody issues and need clear, expert legal guidance, contact Reno R. Renzetti/Nordini and Thompson today. We are here to help you understand Illinois custody laws and advocate for the best interests of your children. Reach out now to schedule a consultation.